These two prints were drawn on a single piece of wood (for information about the technique, see my article What is mokulito?) and were originally intended to be a single print. I never got around to printing the plate as I wasn’t entirely happy with the image, and it remained in a stack of wood in my studio for at least a year. When I rediscovered it, I decided to cut it in half and these two prints were the result. The title is ‘borrowed’ from a piece for bassoon and piano by the American/Norwegian composer James Lassen, which was written for the bassoonist Per Hannevold, who until recently was principal bassoon in the Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra. James Lassen (the co-principal) told me that the piece was based on random improvisations that he and Per liked to play during rehearsal breaks. Both prints have subsequently appeared in different iterations: ‘Strange Interlude II’ on a series of ceramic vessels and ‘Strange Interlude I’ on a series of stoneware plaques